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What is an OperationMode?

Opmodes are the starting point of the code. There can be as many as one desires, and are selected from the driver station. They are defined in the TeamCode module in the opmodes folder. They are defined as a class that extends OperationMode and either implements TeleOperation or AutonomousOperation, depending on whether or not the code should be run in teleop or autonomous.

OperationModes consist of two main functions: construct() and run(). The construct() function is called once when the OperationMode is selected and the user pressed Init button the Driver Station.

The run() function is called repeatedly once the user presses the Play button until the user presses the Stop button.


You should NOT have a while (true) loop in your run() function. This will cause the code to behave strangely and is not a recommended practice.

Example OperationMode

class MyOperationMode: OperationMode(), TeleOperation {
override fun construct() {
// This is called once when the user presses the Init button

override fun run() {
// This is called repeatedly when the user presses the Play button